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Dynamics CRM 2011: First look

Apparently Dynamics CRM 2011 beta is release today http://blogs.msdn.com/b/crm/archive/2010/09/09/microsoft-dynamics-crm-2011-global-beta-released.aspx

I had attended XRM Virtual User Group meeting regarding “your first interactive look at CRM 2011” by Eric Boocock (Senior Technical Product manager at Microsoft) earlier this week.

There are lots of existing feature in this new version of CRM, following is few brief highlights regarding the same…

1. Smooth Outlook Integration
 Ribbon UI (similar to office 2007)
 Enhanced CRM preview of any record
 Multitenant nature of outlook client (one outlook can be connect to more then one CRM organization but only one deployment will be synchronization client )
 Condition formatting (for e.g. give red colour to account if annual revenue is greater than 2M£)

2.Tab browsing for view
 This way user to browse through multiple view at the same time
 Inline visualization (create different analytical charts easily)
 Personalization of view, Remove or add any specific fields or set default view from the list of available view for any records

3.Web Client
 Again Ribbon UI (similar to office 2007)
 Filter functionality (similar to excel) on Views
 Flat UI (no longer tab based browsing on CRM Form) and you can collapsed different sections to browser easier to go to relevant data.
 Header and footer section on each CRM form.
 Ability to view recently visited pages (similar to office products)

 Can be done directly from any record (of course need System Admin rights for the same)
 One entity can have multiple form and can be assigned or accessed based on security role
 More formatting option for each field/sections
 Easy to add menu items on navigation pane from form designer
 Easy to add associated views (or records) from related entity to current entity form
 Inbuilt auditing functionality

 Easy way to integrated external applications, websites
 Easy to integrate with SharePoint
 Easy way to build & deployment solutions (i.e. customization) from one deployment to another deployment.

Full recording for our First Interactive Look at CRM 2011 is here:

I will post more post regarding CRM 2011 in future, keep watching this space…

MayankP 🙂